Goal of the Site

Welcome-The Career Makeover Workshop is an evolving passion and topic for me. This blog will assist people that are looking to gain stability in their current jobs, help them to earn promotions, and transform their careers into one where others are envious.

This blog is for people wanting to learn what a career makeover is, why it is needed, and how to complete one using a contingency plan. Recent graduates, people with stalled careers, Gen X and Baby Boomers are part of the audience I hope to capture over time.

Dedication, happiness, and stability don't have to be a thing of the past. Lets achieve these things together! I hope you enjoy this blog.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Networking Needed

I've been pretty fortunate with the jobs I've held so far. As I near my 28th year of working, this includes full time and part time gigs, I reflect about the importance of networking. I've held three part time jobs in my life during high school and college. I received each of these jobs as a result of people giving me a reference. Half of my full time jobs happened because leaders I reported to gave my name and credentials to people that hire.

Networking has been very important for me to obtain work over the years. Don't get me wrong I  don't believe completely in the old saying of "Its not what you know, its who you know." The knowledge a person gains will be a big help. Degrees are completely worth getting to give your  resume a boost. I still have to wonder is it accomplishments that get you jobs or the networks built as you achieve life goals? I also think people need to recognize possible networks available to them to maximize their effectiveness. Here are a few ways to network.

This is a tool that is available to us that has become easier to utilize with the rapid growth of the Internet and social media. Twitter, Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are just a few of the examples of social media that can help us network. Some of these sites allows us to post our resume, create links to blogs we may write, add PowerPoint presentations to our profiles, or just say hello to a long lost friend rediscovered via social media. Resume's can be sent right from our personal computers right to employers. These ads may be found on Monster or Career Builder, both wonderful job search sites readily available to us any time of the day. Get familiar with these because they are only going to evolve over time.

We keep in touch with friends from our childhood. We develop friends as an adult and through organizations we work for. Use this opportunity to network through them. If you think about it friends already like you. Why wouldn't they help you network your talents, services, or professional experiences. I'm not suggesting to use your friends completely to network but every now and again this is a group available to us if we ask and perhaps help them as well.

This networking opportunity, I feel, isn't used enough. Personally I received one of my jobs because of a family member giving me a reference. It was a big help, and with her stellar reputation it built momentum for me. Family isn't used consistently enough because perhaps we are embarrassed. Pride may make us feel like we should be able to find a job without the help of family. Don't feel this way, because it is a very valuable networking opportunity available to us.

The people we may encounter throughout our day may help us develop a network. I ride the Smart bus into work fairly consistently during the week. I happened to overhear two passengers talking about their jobs and how they wanted to find more lucrative work. I happened to hear what their line of work was so I approached them. I explained social media to them but then let them know that I was a networking possibility. As they looked at me oddly I mentioned that the work I do may have positions open in their line of work. I gave them my card and asked them to keep in touch. We come across so many people with a variety of talents why not take advantage of that.

Conference, Conventions
These events are organized with people holding the same jobs or interests. This is an excellent way to network. Carry business cards and make sure your hand becomes sore from shaking people's hands as you introduce yourself and tell them about your work history. Make sure to thank guest speakers and event coordinators. Once that awkward moment of introductions goes by let these new found friends know your talents.

So what networking avenues have I missed? There are so many unique ways to get your name out in the public. Networking is a must. It will help circulate your mantra quickly to people looking to hire immediately.